Jumat, 19 April 2019


v   Define the term industrial revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a massive change in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology, where the industry changed from a process that required large numbers of workers and was done manually, becoming a mass-processed process by machines.
The Industrial Revolution began in England, precisely in the textile industry sector in the country in the late 18th century and early 19th century. The Industrial Industrial Revolution began in the textile industry, because it was triggered by the discovery of machines and tools that made textile production possible.
From the textile industry to the industrial revolution then spread to other economic sectors. In 1764, James Hargreaves invented the Jenny Spinning cotton spinning tool, which allowed one worker to rotate eight spindles to produce more and faster threads than before.
In 1774, Samuel Crompton invented a tool that combined spinning and weaving processes. In 1781, James Watt modified the steam engine that he found so that it could move the rotation. This steam engine was utilized in 1785 by Edmund Cartwright so as to be able to drive a spinning machine (power loom) so that the spinning process no longer requires a lot of human power.
All of the above findings make the textile industry which previously only produced products in small quantities, but requires a lot of energy to be more effective and produce products in large quantities. He process of the Industrial Revolution then spread to other sectors which began using steam-powered machinery to increase production, such as the steel industry, shipping and transportation
v   Describe each of the first three industrial revolution
The Industrial Revolution 1.0 lasted between 1750-1850. At that time there was a massive change in the fields of agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation and technology and had a profound impact on the social, economic and cultural conditions in the world.
The 1.0 generation revolution gave birth to history when human and animal power was replaced by the appearance of the engine. One of them was the emergence of a steam engine in the 18th century. This revolution was recorded by history successfully raised up the economy dramatically where for two centuries after the Industrial Revolution there was an increase in the average per capita income of countries in the world to six times.
The Industrial Revolution 2.0, also known as the Technology Revolution was a rapid phase of industrialization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Industrial Revolution 1.0 which ended in the mid 1800s was interspersed with a slowdown in macro discovery before the Industrial Revolution 2.0 emerged in 1870.
Although a number of characteristics of events can be traced through previous innovations in manufacturing, such as manufacturing industrial machinery, developing methods for manufacturing parts, and discovering the Bessemer Process to produce steel, the Industrial Revolution 2.0 generally began in 1870 until 1914, early World War I.
The generation 2.0 industrial revolution is characterized by the emergence of electric power plants and combustionchamber motors. This discovery triggered the emergence of telephones, cars, airplanes, etc. that significantly changed the face of the world.
The emergence of digital technology and the internet marked the advent of the Industrial Revolution 3.0. The process of industrial revolution if examined from the perspective of British sociologist David Harvey as a process of compression of space and time. Space and time seamkin compressed. And, this culminated in the phase 3.0 revolution, the digital revolution. Time and space are no longer distant. The second revolution with the presence of cars makes time and distance closer. Revolution 3.0 brings the two together. Therefore, the digital era now carries the side of the present (real time).
In addition to carrying the present, the 3.0 industrial revolution changes the pattern of relations and communication of contemporary society. Business practices also have to change or not to be swallowed by the times. However, the third industrial revolution also has a side that is worth watching out for. Technology makes factories and industrial machines prefer machines to humans. Moreover, sophisticated machines have the ability to produce more multiples. Consequently, reducing human labor is inevitable. In addition, reproduction also has extraordinary power. In just a matter of hours, many products are produced. Far if done by human power.
Then in the 4.0 generation industrial revolution, humans have found a new pattern when disruptive technology (disruptive technology) is present so quickly and threatens the existence of incumbent companies. History has noted that the industrial revolution has claimed many lives with the death of giant companies.
Moreover, in this generation 4.0 industrial era, the size of the company is not a guarantee, but the company's agility is the key to success in achieving achievements quickly. This is shown by Uber which threatens big players in the transportation industry around the world or Airbnb which threatens the main players in the tourism service industry. This proves that the fast can prey on the slow and not the big ones to eat the small ones.
If we look at the stage of revolution from time to time arise as a result of humans who continue to look for the easiest way to indulge in activities. Each stage has the consequence of rapid movements. Change is a necessity in human life.

v   Describe the impact each industrial revolution had on society
Industrial Revolution 1.0
Lasted: 1750 - 1850
Characterized by: human power is replaced by the presence of a machine
The Industrial Revolution 1.0 took place in 1750 - 1850.
This Industrial Revolution gave birth to history when human and animal power was replaced by the presence of machines. One of them is the discovery of steam engines in the 18th century. The Industrial Revolution was also marked by massive changes in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transportation, and technology.
Changes that occur in humans in carrying out the production process have a profound impact on economic, social and cultural conditions in the world. This revolution recorded by history managed to boost up the economy dramatically, which during the two centuries after the Industrial Revolution increased the average per capita income of countries in the world to six times.
Industrial Revolution 2.0
Lasted: the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century
Characterized by: the development of industrialization and science, division of labor, mass production
The Industrial Revolution 2.0, known as the Technology Revolution, was a phase of the rapid development of industrialization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
In this era, the development of science and the emergence of modern scientists, such as Niels Bohr, Thomas Alfa Edison, Nikola Tesla, and Albert Einstein. The Industrial Revolution was marked by the emergence of electric power plants and combustionchamber motors. This discovery triggered the emergence of telephones, cars, airplanes, etc. that significantly changed the face of the world.
During this period, it was also seen that management development is possible to improve manufacturing efficiency and effectiveness. One of them is the division of labor where each worker does a part of the total work so that it can increase productivity. Others also mass production of goods using assembly lines is common.
Revolution 3.0
Lasted in the late 20th century
Characterized by: the emergence of the internet and digital technology
The emergence of digital technology and the internet at the end of the 20th century marked the start of the Indonesian Revolution 3.0, otherwise known as the Digital Revolution.
The process of this industrial revolution was examined based on the perspective of British sociologist David Harvey as a process of compressing space and time so that space and time are increasingly compressed and no longer distant. The Industrial Revolution 2.0 with the presence of cars makes time and distance closer. The Industrial Revolution 3.0 brings the two together. Therefore, the digital era carries a real time side.
In addition to carrying out this aspect, the Industrial Revolution 3.0 changed the pattern of relations and communication of contemporary society. Business practices also have to change or not to be swallowed by the times. However, this Industrial Revolution also has aspects that are worth watching out for. Technology makes factories and industries prefer machines than humans. Moreover, sophisticated machines have the ability to produce more multiples. Consequently, reducing human labor is inevitable. In addition, reproduction also has extraordinary power. In just a matter of hours many products are produced. Far if done by human power.
Revolution 4.0
Takes place at: the beginning of the 21st century
Marked by: Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Human Machine Interfaces, Robotic and Sensor Technology, 3D Printing Technology
In the Industrial Revolution 4.0, humans have discovered new patterns when disruptive technology is present so quickly and threatens the existence of incumbent companies (old player companies). History has noted that the Industrial Revolution has claimed many lives with the death of giant companies.
Moreover, in this generation 4.0 industrial era, the size of the company is not a guarantee, but the company's agility is the key to success in gaining victory quickly. This is shown by Uber which threatens big players in the transportation industry or also Airbnb which threatens the main players in the tourism service industry. This proves that the fast can prey on the slow and not the big ones to eat the small ones.
If we look at the stage of revolution from time to time arise as a result of humans who continue to look for the easiest way to indulge in activities. Each stage has consequences for faster movements. Change is a necessity in the life of the people

v   Explain how the scope of the Fourth Indutrial Revolution differs from those of the first time

During the centuries, human needs such as food, clothing, houses and weapons were produced by hand or with the help of working animals, in the early 19th century, manufacturing began to change dramatically with the introduction of industry 1.0 and technology developed rapidly from there

Industry 1.0
In the 1800s, water and steam engine machines were developed to help workers. Along with the increase in production capabilities, businesses also grow from individual business owners who manage their own businesses and / or ask for help from their neighbors as workers.

Industry 2.0
In the early 2.0 century, electricity became the main source of power. The use of electricity is more effective than steam or water because production is focused on one machine. Finally the engine is designed with their own resources, making it more portable.
In this period also saw the development of a number of possible management programs to improve manufacturing efficiency and effectiveness. Division of labor, where each worker performs part of the total work, increases productivity. Mass production of goods using assembly lines is common. American mechanical engineer Frederick Taylor introduced an approach to study work to optimize the methods of workers and workplaces. Finally, the principle of timely and lean manufacturing further softens the way manufacturing companies can improve their quality and output.

Industry 3.0
In the last few decades of the 20th century, the invention and manufacture of electronic devices, such as transistors and, later, integrated circuit chips, made it possible to automate individual machines to complement or replace operators. This period also gave birth to the development of software systems to utilize electronic hardware. Integrated systems, such as material requirements planning, are replaced by company resource planning tools that enable humans to plan, schedule, and track product flows through the factory. Pressure to reduce costs has caused many manufacturers to move components and assembly operations to low-cost countries. The extension of geographical dispersion resulted in the formalization of the concept of supply chain management.

Industry 4.0
In the 21st century, Industry 4.0 connects Internet of Things (IoT) with manufacturing techniques to enable systems to share information, analyze it, and use it to guide intelligent actions. It also incorporates cutting-edge technologies including additive manufacturing, robotics, artificial intelligence and other cognitive technologies, advanced material, and augmented reality, according to the article "Industry 4.0 and Manufacturing Ecosystem" by Deloitte University Press.
The development of new technology has become the main driver of movement to Industry 4.0. Some programs that were first developed in the final stages of the 20th century, such as manufacturing execution systems, shop floor control and product lifecycle management, are forward-looking concepts that do not have the technology needed to make the complete implementation possible. Now, Industry 4.0 can help these programs reach their full potential.